Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 11/29/2023 3:24:50 PM • Rank (91) • Views 92


 The week of Thanksgiving always finds me busy, but boy this was another level. I had regular client, David and his friend Clay on Sunday for a six hour trip fly fishing for bonefish tarpon permit, and then a four hour trip in the afternoon with another regular client Mike . The morning had us finding a few tarpon which we had some shots at on fly and then losing two bonefish before heading in picking up Mike and focusing on bonefish. inexplicably the same spots that I fished with David and Clay and yielded two bonefish, ended up, proving a bonanza for Mike as he hooked six and landed four. The Following day Monday through Wednesday, Mike and I would fish full days. The first two days were in Biscayne Bay and Monday I looked for live pilchards, blacked out the well and live chummed channels. This was a blast as we watched yellow jacks exploding on the Bait and Mike casting to the schools and hooking up almost instantly on some of his casts. Tuesday was a bit slower thanks to some nasty wind so we decided Wednesday on our last day to fish flamingo in the Everglades. This was a blast as Mike had a ton of shots at redfish riding on top of stingrays and then I took him to the interior of the Everglades. He had not fished this area before, and he absolutely loved it, especially since we fished the mouth of a small creek at the beginning and at the end of our trip inside the Everglades and hooking snook and Tarpon Pretty consistently. At one point he was hooking little tarpon on every third or fifth cast and some snook miked in as well. It was awesome and a blast. Friday after Thanksgiving I fished with David again and today was better as we started off with some shots at permit, and he hooked a tarpon briefly before the jump caused the leader to wrap around the gill plate and cut us off. After my six hour trip with David I was back out again with regular longtime client Ken and his two kids for a four hour trip. We had to fish in the rain for a while but eventually it cleared and the kids had a blast, catching snappers and jacks and blue runners. We tried to bonefish a little bit at the beginning of the trip as we waited for the storms to pass, and although we didn’t hook any bonefish, they caught two big Mojarras which they found pretty exciting. Kids are so funny. The end of the week had me fishing with Paul and we found some fun yellow jacks and big blue runners at first to start the day. Then our hunt for Tarpon and snook proved to be futile, but we wrapped up the day on the flats fishing for bonefish, and found quite a few schools of mudding bonefish. Paul made some good casts but missed the bite on one and got broken off by another bonefish before we headed back in. Wow it’s been a crazy week but the fishing has been a ton of fun. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Capt.  Mo Estevez 

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