Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 1/13/2024 6:04:41 AM • Rank (78) • Views 79


This has been a solid week with daily trips and weather work arounds.  It's been windy and cloudy in Miami for the most part this week but fishing has been solid.  Most of my trips this week have been with really cool clients that wanted to catch fish and not worry about targeting a specific species.  So, this week has been highlighted by tons of hard fighting jacks, sharks, look downs and a monster mutton snapper.  The beginning of the week was with Bob and Anna and we caught so many yellow jacks they decided to give something else a try as it was fish on every cast and these hard fighting fish will wear you out quick.  Later in the week I had Larry and his two kids and we caught fish at every spot we fished, mainly snappers and big blue runners before they decided to call it early as they had a great time and caught plenty of fish.  Friday I had repeat client Jordan and we had a blast catching tons of jacks on live shrimp, lures and top water.  It was so cool to watch these aggressive fish blow up top water lures.  We tried to look for bonefish but we didn't score.  Saturday I had two trips, a 6 hour trip with Subhi and his brother Zaid then a 4 hour trip with Trevor, Clark and Jared.  It was a really long day but both trips went really well with both trips catching tons of jacks and then sharks on the flats with Subhi landing a monster mutton snapper before we had to run back.  Sunday was the slowest day I had and it was with Travis and Brandon.  We were targeting bonefish and anything else.  With perfect conditions and slick calm wind the first bonefish spot was dead but a tarpon spot held some small tarpon and we were able to throw some flies at them.  Then Travis caught the first sea trout I've seen in Biscayne Bay in a while.  Cool!  At another spot we missed a few bonefish bites and as the weather worsted the rest of the trips a tale of running to places trying to make something happen to no avail.  Not the way I wanted to wrap up an otherwise awesome week but I guess we can't win them all.  

Capt.  Mo Estevez 


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