Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 8/7/2024 12:07:24 AM • Rank (58) • Views 59


The second half of July got HOT and the fishing was still good with most trips being fun "catch whatever is fun" trips.  These are great trips because we can focus on the best fishing, not necessarily a specific species.  My trips were with Scott, then Ray and his friend Evan, Tom, Danny and his kids and I wrapped up the month with local regular clients Armon and Josh.  On my trip with Ray, he got his first Miami bonefish but it was tough fishing.  The rest of the trips were great in that we targeted different species.  Tom and his wife caught a bunch of species to eat including yellow jacks, mangrove snappers and school master snappers.  With Danny we caught some blue runners and used them for shark bait where they hooked a bunch of lemon sharks on the flats before we turned our attention to dinner and they took home over a half dozen yellow jacks.  The last trip of the month was with Armon and Josh and as always we target dinner and the yellow jacks did not disappoint.  But, we caught a bunch of other species including targeting, hooking then using a big 30 lb barracuda.  That was fun!  

Capt.  Mo Estevez 


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