Fishing Lure

By Seamus on 4/8/2024 10:14:58 PM • Rank (78) • Views 79


This first week of April I had mainly all charters where clients wanted to just caught anything and have a good time.  It started with Brian, Gainor and Bryson and this was so cool because they all caught a bunch of species including a ton of jacks, snappers, some pompano and a bonefish.  Then I had Rachel and her two kids and they caught a bunch of snappers before heading in.  On Thursday we had terrible weather and my morning client rescheduled but once the weather cleared Lindsay called and wanted to take out her son Sullivan fishing before they ended their vacation.  They were so cool and 10 year old Sullivan got worn out catching big blue runners and snappers.  On Friday I had local clients David and his wife Christina for a half day of showing them the bay and catching fish for dinner.  Well, we caught a bunch of fish but nothing big enough to turn into big fillets but they still had a great time and learned a lot.  I wrapped up the week with repeat client Pete and his cousin Fred. These guys are so great.  Fred had never caught a tarpon so we out in some time early morning looking for small tarpon to no avail so we chased bonefish and we lost two solid fish and missed a few bites but they some jacks along the way.  It's been a fun week with great weather so I am definitely looking forward to next week! 

Capt.  Mo Estevez 


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