Species of Fish


African Pompano
The African pompano (Alectis ciliaris), also known as the pennant-fish or threadfin trevally, is a widely distributed species of tropical marine fish in the jack family, Carangidae. The species is found in tropical waters worldwide, with adults often inhabiting coastlines, while juveniles are usually pelagic, floating with ocean currents. The adu...

Almaco Jack
Almaco jack is a game fish of the family Carangidae; they are in the same family as yellowtail and amberjack. They feed, both day and night, on other, smaller, fish, such as baitfish and small squid. The flesh is thick and dense like tuna and can easily pass for white albacore if prepared as sushi. The Almaco jack has a less elongated, more fla...

Bar Jack
The bar jack (Caranx ruber), also known as the carbonero, red jack, blue-striped cavalla or passing jack, is a common species of inshore marine fish classified in the jack family, Carangidae. The bar jack is distributed through the western Atlantic Ocean from New Jersey and Bermuda in the north to Venezuela and possibly Brazil in the south, with...

Blue Runner
The Blue Runner (Caranx crysos), also known as the bluestripe jack, Egyptian scad, hardtail jack or hardnose, is a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, Carangidae. The blue runner is distributed across the Atlantic Ocean, ranging from Brazil to Canada in the western Atlantic and from Angola to Great Britai...

Crevalle Jack
The crevalle jack (Caranx hippos), is a common species of large marine fish classified within the jack family, Carangidae. The crevalle jack is distributed across the tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean, ranging from Nova Scotia, Canada to Uruguay in the west Atlantic and Portugal to Angola in the east Atlantic, including the Medi...

Florida Pompano
The Florida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) is a species of marine fish in the Trachinotus (pompano) genus of the Carangidae family. It has a compressed body and short snout; coloration varies from blue-greenish silver on the dorsal areas and silver to yellow on the body and fins. It can be found along the western coast of the Atlantic Ocean, dep...

Giant Trevally
The giant trevally, also known as the giant kingfish, lowly trevally, barrier trevally, ulua, or GT, is a species of large marine fish classified in the jack family, Carangidae. The giant trevally is distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, with a range stretching from South Africa in the west to Hawaii in the east,...

Greater Amberjack
The greater amberjack is a jack of the genus Seriola. It is found in the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian coasts. It is the largest genus in the Carangidae family. It is a fast-swimming pelagic fish with similar habits to the kingfish.  The greater amberjack often have a distinctive olive colored bar...



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